how to care for a poinsettia plant outside
To get it to bloom follow the same light guidelines for potted poinsettias. Alternatively use slow release pellets in spring.
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Also try to keep the temperature between 65 and 70 degrees during the day keeping in mind that the area around a drafty window can be quite a bit cooler than the rest of the room.

. Then remove the declining bloom stalks and locate the plant outdoors in filtered sun. After Christmas feed monthly with a high potash liquid. A spot under a shade tree is ideal.
Mist regularly to increase humidity and keep the colourful bracts looking their best for longer. If you plan to continue growing your poinsettia as a potted plant transplant into a container. Keep your poinsettias away from drafts and chilly air.
If you opt to use water soluble fertilizer add it to the watering can every other week. Move the plant outside for the summer and place in indirect light. Continue keeping the plant in a bright sunny window.
Prune the poinsettia. How to Care for Poinsettias Year-Round Choosing a Spot for Your Poinsettia. Once you see green shoots in spring start a regular watering and feeding program.
Long nights induce poinsettia flowering so beginning around October 1 start the short-day treatment described below. Place the plant in a partially-shaded area so it doesnt overheat. Empty the saucer so the roots dont stand in water.
This will encourage the plant to branch which will make the plant bushier and stranger. Use a standard well draining potting soil when you transplant it. Poinsettias benefit from summering outside in the morning sun or a dappled sun situation with regular water and fertilizer.
Caring for Outdoor Poinsettia Plants. Poinsettia plants outdoors tend to. Several times during the spring and summer pinch the terminal shoots.
Prune back the plants hard in April to about 10cm 4in and keep at a temperature of around 13C 55F In early May repot them using three parts John Innes No 3 mixed with one part grit. Provide lots of sunlight a sunny window with east west or southern exposure is best. Poinsettia origins provide great clues about where poinsettias grow best.
Caring for outdoor poinsettia plants is not very time consuming or intricate. Poinsettia care outdoors is minimal during warm weather. Also regularly mist the foliage which will ward off whitefly whitefly the main disease in dry interiors.
To get your poinsettia to rebloom next Christmas the plant will need 14 hours of complete dark beginning in October 1st. Your plant will survive without feeding but with feeding youll be more likely to have a. Poinsettia Care Light.
If you miss a watering and your plant wilts water thoroughly wait 5-10 minutes and then water again. Prune the plant mid summer to keep it bushy and compact. Fertilize outdoor poinsettias monthly during the growing season with a complete all-purpose fertilizer.
After your poinsettia drops its leaves cut the stems back to 4 to 6 inches high and let it go somewhat dry between waterings. Poinsettia do best when placed in bright diffused sunlight so place your plant near a sunny window where it. Wait until the outdoor temperatures at night are consistently 55 degrees F or above before you transplant it.
Water your poinsettia whenever the. Once flowering is complete reduce watering to every 10 days. Water your poinsettia when the surface of the soil is dry to the touch.
Hope this information is helpful. A good rule of thumb is to also keep the soil moderately moist at all times. Poinsettia Care How Do You Take Care Of Poinsettias Holiday Poinsettia Plant Care.
Periods of dryness for Poinsettias can be devastating so watering your plants is imperative. Be careful not to let your poinsettia sit in excess water keep an eye out for this especially if the pot is sitting in a saucer or in a decorative container. You can discard the shoots or use them to propagate new plants.
While poinsettias are typically purchased already potted from a garden center or nursery if youre planting or. Grow on in a light cool place over summer. Do not let the pot sit in water as doing so can cause the roots to rot.
Trim off two to three inches of branches to promote side branching. Stop all pruning your poinsettia around the middle of August. If your poinsettia started as an indoor plant its best to wait for temperatures to rise above 55 degrees at night preferably at least 65 to 70 degrees during the day before moving it outdoors.
Water sparingly typically when the surface of the compost has started to dry out. Pinch small growing shoots from poinsettias occasionally throughout the growing season to encourage the plants to flower. For a bushier plant pinch the plant back a couple of times over the summer until mid-August.
Cut back old growth in late fall or early winter to encourage strong new growth the following spring. Screened-in patios and flower beds protected by tree cover can make great outdoor homes for growing poinsettias. Keep a close eye on the plants and when they appear or feel dry to the touch its time to water.
Not only do you create a wood mulch but underneath you should replace some of the soil with shredded bark or wood that will prevent the roots from freezing. Fertilize every two to three weeks. Move the plant outside to a spot with indirect sunlight.
Grow your poinsettia in bright indirect light in a draught-free spot with a temperature of around 13-15C. Water as needed to keep the plant healthy and water in fertilizer when you see new growth appear on the plant. If there are frequent frosts in your area or snow the Poinsettia thrives if you protect the roots by mixing wood bark with the soil.
If the room temperature exceeds 18 C place the plant on clay balls to keep humidity around. Fertilizing poinsettia plants is never recommended while theyre still in bloom. Slowly acclimate it to the new climate by starting it in a place with bright indirect light then gradually move it into full sun.
Let your poinsettia sit outdoors for a few hours on warm afternoons. Keep the growing medium moist with watering when it begins to feel dry. The red bracts will fade as summer progresses.
Proper watering is essential for year-round poinsettia health and beautiful holiday color. Poinsettia care begins with proper light water and temperature conditions. Poinsettias can retain their color until March if they are not exposed to freezing temperatures.
Poinsettias grow best in well-lit areas but direct sun or hot lights can dry out the plants.
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